The World AeroPress Championships: Ching Kwok
It's time for another of the World AeroPress Championship competitors to tell us more about them. This time, it's Ching Kwok representing Hong Kong. Ching is a roaster and roasts for his company Roastwork. You can follow his personal journey on instagram: @thebrewjob
Why did you choose to enter the AeroPress Championship?
I like the vibe of the AeroPress Championship! Simple and relaxed, plus great coffee.
What’s your favourite way to make coffee (other than AeroPress of course!)?
I’m not a big fan of espresso, to be very honest. So, I think I’m gonna stay on the manual brewing side where the taste of the coffee is more clear and vivid.
What led you to using the AeroPress?
Hmm.....my fellow baristas showed me for the first time. I got serious about it after I discovered the amazing body and intensity compared to other filter methods.
Which grinder will you use for the competition and why?
Most likely it is gonna be a Comandante since I live quite far from Sydney! It has this amazing consistency and balanced flavour profile, but I might try out the EK from the sponsor at the competition as well.
How did you get in to the coffee industry?
I’m gonna say coffee has always been part of my life since school age for me and I happened to visit a coffee farm before I joined the industry and fell in love ever since.
What are you most excited about in coffee?
Every time when you try your newly roasted coffee. And yes, I am a roaster.